3 Steps To Getting The Perfect Shot

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How I Take My Photos

How I Take My Photos

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The Blogging Bible – What I’ve Learnt So Far

The Blogging Bible – What I’ve Learnt So Far

So this is going to be one of the last blogging tip posts for a while. Well not completely the last, I just feel like there’s no point in me doing them every week just for the sake of it, I’d rather only post when I have something interesting and useful to say! So I thought I’d do one last post rounding up every single blog tips post I’ve done in the past, and I’ve called it The Blogging Bible. Growing your following 5 easy ways to build your following on Bloglovin’ How to use social media to build your blogs following How to build your Instagram following General Blogging Tips Blogging tips Q&A – Answering your questions 5 tips on being more productive How to make your blog post stand out 5 WordPress plugins all bloggers need 5 steps to a killer blog title Blogging tips – things I wish someone told me How to create the perfect flatlay How I edit my Instagram photos – this has changed slightly so let me know if you want an updated version of this!! Blogging tips : Getting started Blog Post Ideas What to do when bloggers block strikes 80 killer blog post ideas 80 more killer blog post ideas Earning from your Blog Media Pack – why you need it and what to include Affiliate Links – What they are and how to use them Building relationships between brands and bloggers SEO How to lower your bounce rate in 5 simple steps 5 ridiculously easy SEO tips Make sure you follow me on Bloglovin’ to keep up to date with everything and not miss the next blogging tips post – I’m sure there’ll still be more to come just maybe not weekly! If there is a particular blogging tips post you want me to do that I haven’t done then let me know and I will do it!! You can also follow me on snapchat (username sineadcrowe) to see me try products for the first time, blogger mail, mini hauls and the cutest puppy on earth!

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Media Pack | Why you need it & What to include

Media Pack | Why you need it & What to include

A media pack is something a lot of bloggers talk about but something I found really difficult to find out about when I was building mine. It doesn’t matter how big you are, you should always have a media pack and I’m here to save the day and tell you why. And then of course I’m going to tell you how to do it. Because that’s the kind of person I am. Why do you need a Media Pack? Media packs – incase you didn’t know – are basically a sheet or document, that shows PR’s and companies what you’ve done, who you are and you’re achievements. I always think of it as a bloggers CV! I personally loved it after I got mine because when you first start obviously you do a lot for free. When it comes to the point that you might want to start charging, asking if they have a budget or whether the gig is paid is such an awkward question. When you’ve got a media pack you can just say “I’ve attached my media pack” and guess what – most people are receptive to it. My theory is this, if they can get it for free – they will. You have to ask and know your worth because not many people will offer it on a plate! Charging is a minefield and quite personal so I won’t be talking about that! But I will talk about what you should include in your media pack! Design wise, I would say to keep it clean and easy to read whilst maintaining your ‘brand’ image. When I first created it, I made mine really compact so it fitted on an A4 page, now it’s really clean and clear and about 4/5 pages long!! What To Include About You & Your Blog This should be a little block of writing just saying when the blog established and what your blogs about with a few lines about you and your personal acheivements! Contact Details These should be super clear and easy to find Monthly Stats Update your stats monthly, I include my page views, sessions, unique users and bounce rate. If you don’t have google analytics, what are you playing at?! These are the only stats that brands accept and trust from my experience as other analytics programmes and websites can vary A LOT. Social Media Following I update this every time I send my media pack out. I know it’s not a great thought, but this really does matter. People want to know what your social followings are and it’s not rare to have brands that want to work with you exclusively on your social media or based on the following of your social media. Past Collaborations The longer you’ve been blogging the more brands you’ll have racked up so I tend to just put the top ones I’ve worked for or brands I have worked with repeatedly. I do try and put as many in but it needs to be clean and easy to read, remember you want…

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Affiliate Links | What they are and how to use them

Affiliate Links | What they are and how to use them

I got a few questions on some of my previous posts about affiliate links. Though difficult to get your head round at first, it’s like riding a bike once you get the hang of it and you’re pretty much earning from something you already do  . . soooo why would you not use them? In this post I’ll be giving you a lil’ run down on what affiliate links are, effective ways to use them and what companies you can use affiliate links through. What are Affiliate Links? First thing’s first, if you don’t know what an affiliate link is, or you’re a blogger that isn’t using them then you are missing out my friend. Basically, an affiliate link adds tracking to allow the retailer to see that the sale has come from you and your site giving you a small percentage of commission on each sale. As fashion bloggers, we’re constantly suggesting products and telling people where things are from, so why shouldn’t we make 10p for a sale every now and then? If you bought something from a store, often the sales assistant would get commission so surely it’s only right that we get something for all of our hard work?! P.s if retailers know you get them loads of sales through your trackable links, there’s a high possibility they’ll want to play on this and work with you How Can You Use Affiliate Links? There’s lots of different ways to use affiliates and I probably still don’t know about half of them as each company uses different techniques. Here’s the key ones I’ve come across: Banners – I don’t use these, I didn’t find they were that effective (though I am considering adding just one back in) and found them messy. Not only do I like my home page to be super clean and easy to navigate, but I also dislike anything that takes people away from my site before they’ve even read the content Links – Pretty much self explanatory, just adding links into your post as you usually would but with the tracking Instagram Apps – Some companies also allow you to link the products via your instagram images so people can shop your looks from their phones Widgets – There’s lots of little widgets you can use like the one I’ve created belowfor this outfit. It allows you to shop the products from the store images, a more visual way of shopping the look than just written links. Online Shops – You can also create ‘shop my look‘ pages or ‘shop my wardrobe’ which personally I love on other peoples blogs as it gives you inspo when you want to shop but don’t know where to start! I’m actually thinking of creating one for my site so let me know what you think and if it’s something you’d like to see! How To Get Affiliate Links I’ve listed below the companies you can use to create your affiliate links, I personally use Reward Style. It’s not the easiest affiliate scheme to get on to as they don’t accept everyone but from…

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