H&M Beauty Haul

I first saw H&M Beauty when I was in Sweden, I just thought it was something they had always done but was exclusive to Swedish stores. I decided to pick up a lipstick to try out but more as a souvenir really! Then I come back to England and a couple of day later every blogger and her dog is talking about the new H&M make up range. Honestly, I had no idea! Anyway, as I was in London the other day I couldn’t resist treating myself to a few pieces to review on the blog. I don’t usually do beauty post’s but I did enjoy this one so who knows, there may be more to come! I’m always looking for great products and at H&M prices who can say no? I’m trying to overhaul my beauty bag at the moment so if there’s any products you can’t live without then let me in on your beauty secrets!So once I’d decided I was going to buy a few bit’s and had justified that it was “for the good of the blog”  I went a bit crazy. Each piece is so cheap that I actually ended up spending around £25.00 – but to be fair that’s pretty good for the amount I got! The first piece I picked up was the bronzer, mine had run out so technically I did need this one anyway! Then I got some eyeshadow to try, I don’t really wear eyeshadow so I guess you could say my opinion on the quality will be worthless but hey I’ll give it to you anyway! I also got some nail varnish and some lip vinyl which I had never heard of before (so behind the times), I’d describe it as like a lipstick but it goes on like lip gloss. Of course I already had my lipstick from Sweden and I couldn’t resist a face mask in it’s cute packaging!This face mask was incredible. So refreshing and my skin feels amazing, definitely my favourite piece I tried which I’ll be stocking up on next time I go near a store!I’m not a huge fan of this bronzer, now I always have trouble when I switch to a different bronzer, I don’t know about you but I always seem to have trouble adjusting to the new shade and end up looking like I’ve come back from 2 weeks in Tenerife (for a normal person, for me that would just mean burnt!). Anyway, I’ve been rocking a darker skin tone thanks to my inability of knowing when to put the bronzer down and step away. I also found its quite loose, you know how sometimes bronzers just turn to powder the second a brush touches them? It’s one of those so I have a feeling it will go down super fast! Anyway I might adjust after a couple of weeks and be raving about how amazing it is. So we’ll see!As I said before I’ve never used eye shadow before and as a result…

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Blogger Problems \\ Green isn’t your Colour

Blogger Problems \\ Green isn’t your Colour

I know I can’t be the only blogger who deals with this and if you don’t then you’re a bloody saint, envy. I mean, don’t get me wrong the blogging community is ridiculously friendly and helpful and everyday I’m astounded at how much people help each other out. There truly is room for everyone and most bloggers are more than happy to share their secrets and help one another out. Despite this, I constantly find myself comparing my instagram feed to someone else’s theirs is so clean! They have so many followers on twitter and more comments on their blog. At the end of the day these kind of thoughts are completely ridiculous and serve only to bring you down, they’re 100% counter productive! I feel like it’s even more obvious for me at the moment when I’m seeing how many people are jetting off to NYFW, PFW, MFW and even to our very own LFW. I often have to remind myself that I’ve not even been doing this for a year and as a wise man once said “don’t compare your beginning to somebody else’s middle or end“. I really need to take my own advice and remember that actually, I should be proud of what I’ve achieved in such a short time period! Go me! Do you suffer from the occasional spout of envy? What do you do to deal with it? Don’t forget to follow me on Bloglovin’

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50 Shades of Brown

50 Shades of Brown

I thought 50 shades of brown was quite an apt name for this post as I pretty much look like the brown paint swatch section in Homebase. I got this skirt from Primark and I’m pretty sure it was like £8? Even as I’m saying this I’m thinking it’s wrong but no, I’m quite sure it was under a tenner which is clearly why I couldn’t say no, duh! I think you can totally get away with wearing skirts with bare legs when you wear boots and a jumper, I’ve seen so many bloggers with knee length boots which look perfect for wearing a skirt in winter. I’m not really a tights kinda gal, no offence if you love them but I just think they’re so gross! Definitely a last resort slash only suitable for work in my opinion!!I’m loving how coordinated my look is here, the sunglasses, scarf and skirt look made for each other. I’d love to say I planned it but I definitely didn’t. Also, how amazing are these khaki boots from River Island? I can already tell these will be stuck to my feet all winter! What do you think of my all brown look? I’d love to hear what you think! Jumper : Zara Old (Similar Here) | Scarf : Zara | Skirt : Primark  | Boots : River Island | *Sunglasses : Zero UV | Bag : Zara Sold Out

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