Meet My Mindfulness Buddy

Meet My Mindfulness Buddy
Today I am back with the final instalment of my mindfulness posts in collaboration with go ahead! and the The go ahead! Summer Buddy Project!

If you didn’t see the first and second posts the project is all about encouraging you to find wellness and fitness inspiration, and motivation with friends. go ahead! want to encourage you to stick to your summer goals (both mind and body) whilst having fun with a friend. I’m here to be your virtual buddy, sharing my tips on how to stay motivated with your #summerbuddy!

In my first post I shared the practices that I love doing with my mindfulness buddy and in my second post I spoke about why I prefer to practice mindfulness with a buddy rather than on my own!

My Mindfulness Buddy

So since I’ve already spoken about my tips on how to practice mindfulness with a friend and why I love to practice mindfulness with a friend, I thought it was about time that I introduced you guys to that ominous friend, Danielle. Yes! She does exist, I promise!

Why Danielle?

I didn’t actually choose Danielle specifically for this project, it’s just something that we have been doing together for a long time I guess without even realising that it was a thing. Me and Danielle have both been through a lot of the same experiences with anxiety & unfair treatment in the work place which means that we both are very understanding of one another. We’re also both into it, which I think is super important when you do something with someone else because you need to be able to motivate each other on your down days.

Meet My Mindfulness Buddy

Meet Danielle

What do you love about mindfulness?

I love mindfulness because as a worrier, I find it really calms me down and allows me to live in the moment. It’s stopped me from worrying about the future and things that might never happen and brings me back down to Earth. I love that you can do it at any time and in any place, with anyone and for free.

Why do you prefer practising mindfulness with a friend?

Practising with a friend is amazing because you can share tips and practices, two heads are better than one. It also reminds you that you’re not along with anxiety and it’s good to have someone who fully understands.

Whats your favourite mindfulness practice to do with a friend?

Yoga, for so long I didn’t understand when Sinead and some of my other friends were talking about downward dog and now I finally do!!

Book sharing is also great. Between us we have a huge collection of mindfulness books!

I’ve listed some of the ones we love!

The Secret
Living in the moment
Happiness and how it happens
The Secrets of Happiness – my personal favourite book ever! 100% recommend!
Love Your Life
The Life Changing Magic of not giving a f**k

Why Sinead

I love practising with Sinead because I can say anything and not feel stupid. We’ve both helped each other out so many times and I know we both have each others best interests at heart. It reminds you that there’s other people who need mindfulness and sharing the journey with a close friend is special.

You know it’s good to do it with a friend when whenever you’re anxious your boyfriend tells you to do “Sinead’s thing”! There’s not many friends that would meet you before work at 5:45am for a calming walk to set you up for the day. Plus there’s always a laugh guaranteed!

Meet My Mindfulness Buddy

I hope you enjoyed my final post in this series! Head over to go ahead! Twitter and Facebook pages to find a series of health and wellness excersizes that you and your #summerbuddy can do together! And if you missed them then click here to read my first post in the series and click here to read the second!

Join in on the mission to inspire and motivate women!

This post is in collaboration with Go Ahead but all thoughts and opinions are my own




  1. MoreMindfulYou
    26th August 2016 / 12:31 pm

    This was really great 🙂

    • Sinead
      14th September 2016 / 5:25 am

      Thanks so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it!!

    • Sinead
      14th September 2016 / 5:25 am

      Thanks so much!

  2. Megan Clarke
    27th August 2016 / 2:49 pm

    Lovely post, really enjoyed reading it!

    • Sinead
      14th September 2016 / 5:25 am

      Ah I’m so happy to hear that! Thanks so much!

    • Sinead
      14th September 2016 / 5:24 am

      I’m so glad you liked it my lovely!

  3. Sinead
    14th September 2016 / 5:25 am


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